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Eventually, Everything Connects.
What Is CNXN?
CNXN, pronounced “connection”, is question-based card game created to guide its players towards fostering deep, lasting connections regardless of the intended relationship type.
How does it flow?
Players ask each other a variety of questions ranging from light-hearted to intimate depending on which of the three sections (friends, dates, &/or couples) is chosen. After a card group is chosen, simply pull a card, read, all players answer, and repeat.
(The game is designed to be interoperable as the relationship intimacy level increases; so friends use the friend cards, people dating use the dating and friend cards, and couples use the whole deck of 300 cards)
Who can play?
Anyone thats 18+.
(and yes, the questions are LGBTQ+ friendly & poly/non-monogamy friendly)
You get 300 cards (290 unique questions + 10 write in cards ) with researched— therapist, psychologist, and relationship coach approved— questions to provide the most effective connection building experience possible between people of all walks.( With the question count and variety being so great, this one box is essentially comparable to 2-3 boxes of WNRS or The Skin Deep Boxes)
Each card question has been intentionally chosen to minimize the chances of there being duplicate questions asked, reducing the chances of the constant annoyance of ‘question clash’—aka that experience wherein you get the same question multiple times in different wording or pull questions that are so similar that you end up answering 5 others by answering 1.
Each group is made to flow into the others as the relationship intimacy level increases; so friends use the friend cards, people dating use the dating and friend cards, and couples use the full deck of cards.
It all comes in a compact, minimalism-inspired box.
Tell me more.
Dope. How do I order mine?
Take a Peak of a Few Cards Below
& there are plenty more where those came from ;)